Monday, December 15, 2008


Why should anybody ...

want to get married?  It's full of pitfalls for both sexes.  And bloody expensive to get out of.

If you want sex, there's plenty of that outside of marriage.
If you want kids, you still don't need to get married.
If you want to keep your own money to yourself, you definitely don't want to get married.
If it's because of religion, well, why let some guys run your life just because THEY say "God said that".  Did God really say that?
If it's for tax reasons, it's cheaper to start a corporation and put all your assets there.
If it's because you're in love, what's marriage got to do with it?

There's NO reason to get married.  Illegalise marriage.  It only profits lawyers, restaurants and religious authorities.

Legalise marijuana instead.  Hee hee ...

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