Wednesday, February 25, 2009

NO to neckties

Why should anybody ...

wear a necktie, especially in the tropics?

  • it's hot to wear one
  • someone can easily strangle you
  • there are other ways to make a fashion statement that are not so hazardous
  • some neckties are astonishingly expensive, for something which serves no purpose
  • if you feel cold (eg in low temperature air-conditioning), a necktie is not going to warm you up that much
  • companies should emulate British hospitals and Ikea by banning neckties
NO to neckties !!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ACTION is power

Why should anybody ...

believe those idiots who declare that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER?

If knowledge was really Power, then universtiy professors must be the most powerful people on earth ... BUT we know that's not true !!

So, Knowledge is NOT power.

What is power?


You may not know much, BUT if you put into practice what you do know, you start getting results. You then adjust what you do to get better and better results. That's POWER!!!